How it works
In Cryvia you can participate to real time quiz contests about several web3 related topics
Anyone can subscribe to a quiz by connecting its wallet and paying a small fee in crypto
Take the quiz about a web3 topic in real time with other people
Win prizes
If you rank among the best, you get a share of all the fees paid
Keep practicing
After a quiz has gone live you can take it for free as many times as you want.
Learn in a different way
Our goal is to enable people to get informed about web3 in an engaging and enjoyable way
Learn about web3
Get recommended resources to learn about web3 topics
Have fun
Test your knowledge in a fun way, tasting a bit of challenge and competition
Get rewarded
Get the chance to win a prize for doing good in your learning process
Are you a web3 protocol?
Create a quiz about you so that people can discover and get informed about you in a different way
Reach people
By creating a quiz, you can get new people to discover your protocol and become potential users
Inform people
Provide learning resources so that people can inform and learn about your protocol